By Jason Ickes
Dec 4th 2023

(Jason Ickes for Congress!
We lost the Second Cold War to China, but will the American people and the people of the world break free from the shackles of tyranny? The defeat of the USSR on 26 December 1991 declaring the defeat of communism in Eastern Europe was the end of the First Cold War. What were the ideological aims of the First Cold War? Communism was the declared enemy of the West and was defined by these traits: Collectivism, Classless Society, Equality, Common Ownership, Planned Economy, Abolition of Private Property, Social Justice, Worker Control, Internationalism, Stateless Society. You may have noticed several of these traits of communism overlap with socialism and various programs instituted under Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden. It should not be difficult to see that over the last three decades the United States and the West has adopted the traits of their declared First Cold War enemy the USSR and Communism.
What were the principles the West defended during the First Cold War? Democratic Capitalism defined by the following traits: Individual Freedom, Private Ownership, Rule of Law, Economic Freedom, Market-Based Economy, Political Democracy, Equality of Opportunity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Limited Government. President Reagan “asserted that he had won the Cold War” Lou Cannon of the Miller Center states, with “British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, his staunch ally”. As you reflect on the list of traits defining Democratic Capitalism it might become clear that organized members of the Democratic party actually advocate for the very traits that defined our Cold War adversaries.
Proxy wars during the First Cold War included Korea, Vietnam, Africa, and Latin America. They were part of a policy called Containment by the West. This policy was meant to prevent the spread of Communism. With the fall of the USSR we see the rise of China and the beginning of the Second Cold War. The fall of the USSR did not end communism it merely transferred the center of gravity for it’s influence to Beijing. This was the turning of the 100 year unrestricted war initiated by Mao Zedong carried on by Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, and Xi Jinping from a focus on proxy hot conflict zones and guerrilla warfare to a broadened campaign of full spectrum unrestricted-warfare.
The conditions of war were set from 1990-2020 by China while the West looked to traditional warfare models. This is why many scholars refer to this time frame as the Second Cold War. Communism light or Socialism or Democratic Socialism being the stepping stones to infiltrate Western Democracy through a policy of Incremental-ism. Infiltration of the higher learning institutions through a program called Thousand Talents. Infiltration of corporations and policy makers through a program called Elite Capture. Subversion of our markets through shell companies, hedge funds, and trade imbalances. Subversion of currency through devaluation and hoarding foreign currencies. Subversion of our society through opium and it’s synthetic alternatives. Subversion of our national heritage through critical race theory.
The 2020 election was the product of China’s successful subversion of the United Nations, World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, and World Economic Forum. For the first time since the end of World War II every nation regarded Xi Jinping as the master of the new World Order defined as the global institutions of governance mentioned. The last remaining vestige of power was the International Monetary Fund controlled by the worlds central bankers. Even that center of influence appears to favor the adoption of the “China Model”. Frank Fang defines the China Model as the state structure of One-Party Constitutionalism in the article “Taking the China Model Seriously: One-Party Constitutionalism and Economic Development,” published in Contemporary Chinese Political Thought, 2012. It’s important to note that since 2018 Xi Jinping has removed term limits on the president which was considered the merit based system that kept the “China Model” from becoming full on totalitarian.
The 2019 Trade War began the following year under President Trump with a declaration by the Treasury Secretary denouncing China for manipulating it’s currency. The information outlined in the May 2019 report detailed how China was well aware of its policy implications. This may have been the final realization by US based authorities that China had never intended to “play ball” with capitalism. China’s 100 year Unrestricted War was becoming unmasked and an offensive strategy to counter it was unfolding. A few short months later a lab leak or wet market novel corona virus unleashed a global pandemic. The details of CIA involvement in covering up were released during congressional testimony.
In 2023 a new president was appointed to the world bank, Ajay Banga, appointed by Joe Biden partly because he supports climate action. The former president of the world bank David Malpass faced criticism as he challenged the scientific consensus on climate change. It has become apparent people do not like the China Model in the U.S. and Europe. Two recent presidential elections one in the Netherlands and the other Argentina are examples that the people will resist the oppressive nature of the “China Model”. This regime change at the World Bank is meant to influence the IMF into adopting the totalitarian “China Model” and accepting Xi Jinping as the supreme leader of a New World Order based on the China Model at the International Level.
Based on this information the 2nd Cold War has raged between the U.S. and China over which super power model would lead the world order, China Consensus, or Washington Consensus? The incremental walk to communism was part of a deliberate infiltration strategy outlined by leaked CCP documents and speeches of military and political officials. Details of the CCP’s Unrestricted Warfare campaign align with the current state of international affairs. It is very clear to see Presidents Biden and Trump are on opposite sides of this Cold War and based on current U.S. and global sentiment a significant populist backlash against the “China Model” is beginning. Companies are parting ways with China. Relocating to other neighboring South East Asian Countries. The question now remains, how will China and it’s Economic Development Partners respond to the loss of influence as unfavorable Western regimes come to power?