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JUSTICE: Texas AG Paxton Acquitted on All Charges

Updated: Sep 19, 2023

By Catherine Salgado

Sept 19th 2023

The RINO persecution of pro-Trump Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton failed, as he was acquitted Sept. 16 of all charges for impeachment.

As The National Pulse noted, the impeachment was “leveled against him by establishment Republicans who partnered with left-wing ‘impeachment managers’ to try and remove the pro-Trump figure.” Impeachment managers even tried to hide evidence from Paxton.

“[The Post Millennial] A verdict was returned on Saturday in the impeachment trial of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. Lt. Governor Dan Patrick presided over the hearing. Paxton was brought up on 16 counts of impeachment. A conviction on one article would mean impeachment. The Texas AG needed 10 state senators out of 31 to vote to acquit. Paxton was aquitted on all 16 counts…Paxton received 16 nay votes and 14 in favor for most of the articles, and was acquitted on every one. On Article 5, he picked up an extra vote, with 13 in favor and 17 opposed. Article 8 saw an even bigger departure from the yay column, with only 8 voting to impeach and 22 opposed. He received 18 nays for Article 9. Votes on articles 11-14 were skipped, and then Patrick announced a vote on Article 17 after the votes on 15 and 16, for which Paxton was acquitted.”

The Post Millennial noted that Article 10 of the impeachment articles was particularly contentious. Paxton was accused of bribery and benefiting “from Nate Paul providing renovations to Paxton's home.” Paul allegedly helped Paxton engage in an extramarital affair. During questioning, however, a witness for the prosecution admitted Paxton did not apparently have any home renovations.

“The impeachment trial opened On September 5, and was launched when he asked the Texas House to approve a payment of $3.3 million to former staff who had accused him of workplace abuse and were fired. The House didn't fund that settlement, and impeachment charges were brought.”

The reality is that this bears all the hallmarks of a fabricated attack on Paxton for his hardcore conservatism and support of Trump, including calling out election fraud and working to secure our border (not to mention suing the Biden administration).

Paxton’s acquittal is a victory for justice

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