Originally posted at Armed Forces

There's a bigger message we are sending to the world.
The images of drones flying over numerous American cities and coastlines have captured the attention of Americans. Drone experts then came out of nowhere to postulate theories about what could be happening. They are only theories, and few plausible answers exist. I will not pile on to the media noise and attempt to explain who is doing this and why. Instead, I want to highlight critical points that we as a nation should learn from these events.
First, I want to highlight some of my background because I am not just a drone expert coming out of nowhere; instead, I predicted the threat of drones to the homeland fifteen years ago.
I trained American and allied forces to use drones during counterinsurgencies and high-intensity conflict scenarios. This training included drones of all scales, from the intercontinental Global Hawk to individual, hand-launched systems the size of a frisbee.
I presented critical lessons to a growing drone industrial base, attending and presenting at symposiums and design seminars. My purpose was to advocate for counter-drone systems.
I developed tactics to counter the use of drones by foreign adversaries. (Electro-magnetic, Directed Energy Weapons, Shotguns, Air Defense, Lasers, and others)
While at the Army’s School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS), I wrote a master's thesis on America's vulnerability and lack of preparedness to respond to the drone threat. HERE is the thesis, and at the end of this op-ed are other articles I published related to the points listed below. Some of my work cannot be published due to its classification. The master's thesis became part of the Department of Homeland Security’s online library and spurred the beginning of research into counter-drone technologies.
I simultaneously became a space operations person and advocated unique solutions using platforms and methods not previously considered and unable to discuss here.
Here are the points I continuously bring up in numerous interviews.
The threat of drones to the U.S. has been known for many years. Regardless of the final answer concerning what is happening, these sightings advertise the continuing clear and present danger they present to all Americans at home and our forces overseas. The message America is sending to the world right now is that anybody can operate drones over the United States for a month, and we won’t do anything about it.
The federal government's response to this threat has not provided Americans the confidence that they know how to deal with drones or that we are being told the truth. When federal agencies unequivocally state that these are not foreign drones, the only conclusion is that a government agency does know to whom they belong and is either operating them themselves or allowing them to. I say “allowing” because we already have the technology to stop these drones but seem to lack the desire. For example, if anybody tries to fly a drone into Area 51, it is destroyed immediately. It’s also worth comparing the official statements about these drone sightings to those about the Chinese balloon flyover. Rinse, lather, repeat. Americans don’t yet know the truth, but they can tell who is lying – our government.
"Mothership" drone systems exist, as does the technology to create and manipulate drone swarms. Public examples of such drone swarms are best understood through "drone art," such as the displays used in the Beijing Olympics and over Denver during a recent NFL football game. Like any tool, drones can be used for good or evil. The drones to create such art number in the thousands.
My graduate work in counter-drone technology and tactics led me to conclude that the gap between the military capabilities of wealthy, industrialized nations and the rest of the world would shrink due to the ability of poorer countries to purchase commercial off-the-shelf systems that are highly capable, and at times, equally lethal. Add in the fact that Iran gained access to one of our highly classified stealth drone fighters in 2011, and it is easy to see how the technology can proliferate and be used against us.
No matter who operates the drone systems, this problem cannot lead to a broader surveillance state. 9/11 was used as a predicate to increase unconstitutional domestic surveillance on American citizens through the Patriot Act; some agencies desire to use this crisis to do the same.
We cannot be so enamored by what’s happening that we forget to keep our eye on other problems.
US taxpayer funding of Syrian terror groups.
US taxpayer funding of the Taliban.
Why did the FBI Director resign as reports of FBI involvement in Jan 6 came to light?
The DC uniparty attacking Trump’s cabinet selections.
What was included in the last National Defense Authorization Act?
How many terror cells and narco-terror groups are planted around the United States because of our open border? Are they flying drones too?
Biden just pardoned or commuted the sentences of known Chinese spies and pedophiles.
Where are the updates owed to the public concerning both assassination attempts?