by Robert Anthony
Dec 14th 2024

Let's see how popular this article makes me!? Hahaha.
The general rules in US politics: debate, criticize one another, even throw your own party under the bus, do as you will so long as you do not touch the money!
This idea of freedom really needs to be revisited. When the founders of our constitution created this country do you think they had this version of America in mind? Federal, State, County and City each have layers of administration and a variety of departments. (I get into this in my last interview with Karla Wagner - talking about Axing the Michigan Property Taxes - interview below.).
Maybe it would be a good use of our money EXCEPT. Except every single thing the government touches, they break (I will say perhaps local law enforcement and military could be, somewhat, an exception to the rule). And why is it broken? Simply because there is NO Accountability for what they accomplish, or don't accomplish. But let's return to the conversation about accountability.
Healthcare, Social Services, Education, Immigration, Energy and Agriculture are all broken, not breaking, not falling apart but these departments have all failed the American people. Of course a large part of them breaking are the policies and the people running these departments - and that is exactly my point - if they are not doing a good job with our money? Why do we continue to fund them!?
Let's be realists for a moment: we are never going to rid ourselves of medical issues, poverty, the population needing to be educated, people wanting to come and go from our country, providing energy to the people and the requirement of a food supply. The issue so many of us are bringing up is not "let's not deal with these problems" but rather "the governments - local, state, federal - have all failed in their ability to do so". It's time to defund the government in general.
Again: law enforcement, fire and first responders, transportation, military - these governmental departments are doing much better than the others aforementioned. But we need to look at defunding large portions of all local, state and federal budgets, immediately.
The young people need to be taught about our history more: did you know doctors all over America used to regularly make house-calls!? Since the beginning of time there has always been poverty and homelessness and what they now call "Mental Health" problems. We need to think clearly - we need to redevelop our critical thinking skills and creative problem solving muscles. Study how the local churches throughout American history were often very involved with local governments, solving many problems the government is ill-equipped to handle -
Especially with the poor and those in need.
Building a massive government to solve all our troubles gives a very small group of people far too much power over the masses - this political idea is called Collectivism, or Communism, or Socialism - and this idea for the whole of human history has never once worked, not once. What is very hard for me to understand is how we got here in the first place? It took decades to build this massive government, so am I to believe that at least a few generations sat back and voted for it? This is harder to understand, what exactly happened to our "free" country!?
When a government has rule over nearly every area of a citizens life, how on earth can that government be considered free? I've been to Africa and much of the third world. Let me tell you, they are far more free than we are. They aren't afraid to "jay-walk" or simply walk across the street when it is safe. You don't see a constant influence of law-enforcement reminding you to obey. And yet, society continues each day, people aren't shooting up schools in Africa, people eat food, they have roads, immigration happens, etc. Now obviously the third world has other issues that we would never abide in the west. But the point is valid: the bigger the government gets, the more trivial and intrusive laws we pass, the more we hand our rights over to our own government the more freedom we exchange for bondage and control.
But controls work well for Big Business. If I was a heartless CEO or Titan of Industry I might very well vote for ALL of these increased laws and regulations, and why? Because none of it effects me or my family directly. People with money purchase attorneys, accountants, they insulate themselves with their political donations, even purchasing for themselves a politician or two. Big Government regulations work out well for the elite and rich, upper classes of society. Big Government, Big Business, Small groups of people ruling the masses will always crush into submission the middle class and poor, the workers and their families.
But then came America!! The bright shining beacon to the world of what is possible with self-governance! But somehow we forgot? Somehow we lost "The American Dream" and we created what is becoming "The American Nightmare"! Look at what we have lived thru the past ten years!? And we (our parents and their parents) enabled this Big Government/Big Business America to emerge. I hope it is not too late, I pray we are able to defeat this beast but I fear we (this generation) is simply too late to the game.
If we are going to win the nation back, not just for 4 years but for generations to come, we will win this victory in part by taking away their budgets! "He who has the gold..." how does the expression go? "...Makes the Rules!?" Curious expression. Perhaps if we can take away their funding, we also take away their ability to rule us!!? Makes sense to me.
This will not be the last article I write on the subject. Listen in on this 2 hour conversation I have with Karla Wagner. We discuss these ideas in detail - she has a Citizens Bill / Petition to abolish all Michigan Property Taxes. What is amazing that you will learn in the interview is that everyday people actually oppose her!? Hahaha! Isn't that just insane!? With everything we have just lived thru many people, according to Karla, are still fighting to enable this broken and corrupted system! I really enjoyed the conversation. Really got my problem solving and creative energies flowing! I felt inspired - thinking about what is possible and how good of an America we could create! I think you will feel invigorated with hope, allowing yourself to consider what is possible if we take back our power! More to come! Robert.
Karla Wagner on All Politics is Local with Robert Anthony
Click Here to watch on Rumble