by Robert Anthony
Nov 19th 2024

Now this is hard to imagine. But major news sources are picking up this story!? Now it is possible that all of this is the Biden Administrations last ditch effort to drag us into WW3 and somehow retain power under some "Wartime Martial Law" Effort? (Again, this is why I continue to encourage us all to be praying!) "Chinese ship spotted where Baltic Sea cables were cut"
A few news outlets are reporting that it was more than likely Russia, but several of them are mentioning that this Chinese Cargo ship was present just near to the cables around the same time that they were cut!? Could be blackmail? Could be someone (Russia) trying to drag China into this emerging global conflict!? Whatever just happened, Europe is furious over the event!
I will share about a second dream I had. It's a really frightening one. I have shared it with several of my friends. I am supposed to be preaching here pretty soon and I will share the dream while preaching and post the video.
We must not celebrate until President Trump in actually in the White House with his cabinet. And even then celebrate... but celebrate while we are getting ready for the tremendous task that lies before us.
Pray that they don't get away with this - whoever is trying to start WW3.
Why on earth did the Biden Administration just allow Ukraine to launch long-distance missiles into Russia!? He is a lame-duck President. Is he really going to hand the country over to Trump as the formal start of WW3 is unfolding!? Or is he going to pull some shenanigans!? and refuse to hand the country over!?

We must pray that we can make it to the inauguration! Russia is also furious over Ukraine's use of American long range ballistic missiles being fired deep into their country. This is a very extremely delicate time.
Pray saints. Pray.