Dec 22nd 2024
I love the Holidays. Even with all the drama and sorrow that it often brings with it. It's a time to slow down, think back on the year and our lives, what we have lived thru, accomplished, failed, etc. It should be a time to bless our souls.
But we don't slow down as a culture. We have Starbucks, Dunkin' Doughnuts, Red Bull and all sorts of other drinks and supplements to keep up "powered-up" and charging, full-steam ahead! We have texts, social media, bills, work, the house to clean, church to attend, more work, a spouse who needs to know they are loved, children that need their parents, grandchildren, some more work and bills to be paid. Our lives are awfully busy, whenever do we slow down?
And we don't much enjoy the quiet either. With our ear-buds in, the television on in the background, our favorite podcast playing on the computer, the phone is ringing, etc. we often go out of our way to keep the noise going. Too many of us have no idea what it is to just enjoy a quiet house, a quiet drive in the country, a quiet evening with our loved ones.
But the HolyDays are a time to slow down, quiet down, rest, enjoy some of the simple pleasures of life: good company, good food, we sit at the old piano we haven't played all year, we practice our poetry, maybe get out the paints and a canvas!? To get the most out of these HolyDays is to pray, to remember Christ, to worship Him but also to slow down and to rest.

With everything going on in the news cycle, with everything on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, with everything going on with President Trump about to take the White House and country - it might be hard to rest. But all these things will continue with or without us, all these things will continue in January 2025.
Look at your wife or husband, look at your kids, look at your grandkids, at your nieces and nephews, look at your brothers and sisters, look at your friends, remember them who have such a privileged place in your heart. Tell them you love them, say it out loud, "If you don't realize it, maybe I don't say it often enough, but, I love you." Forgive those who need to be forgiven. Don't bring 2024 or 2023 or 2003 into 2025 with you. It's a New Year. Remember, "He makes all things New!" Why shouldn't we!?
There is a risk to make Christmas all about presents and money and gifts. There is a risk to rush and run around trying to fill under that tree with beautifully wrapped boxes and ornate decor all throughout the house. And all those things are enjoyable, but to do all of that and miss the reason for the season!? What a shame. Christ has come! The Messiah, the Savior of the world, who has come to take away our mistakes, our shame, our regrets, our imperfections and even our bad memories. Salvation has come to the earth to save even our heart and soul. We can live again.
We sure have been thru alot friends. Some more than others. This season try to cast your cares on Him, for He cares for you, for all of us. Try not to be anxious but let your heart rest. All the battle we have to fight will still be there in a few weeks. All the worlds problems will still exist come January 2nd. Let's give ourselves 2 weeks. Let's give God a few weeks. Let's remember Him, looking heavenward, shifting our focus away from all that troubles us and burdens us and let's remember, God's plans for us are not finished yet.
"I have good plans for you declares the Lord..." (Jeremiah 29:11) I dont know one place in the whole of scripture He tells me that He has bad plans for me. We have suffered. But God still has good plans for us. Look heavenward. Let the things of earth grow strangely dim and remember our Salvation has come! He is here. We can sit at His feet and learn His ways. We can quiet ourselves and listen to His Word and we will receive Hope, Inspiration and Endurance for the road that lies ahead.
He isn't done with us yet.
Seems He has a plan.
Seems to me, The Best is still Yet to Come!!
Rest friends. Enjoy Him. He is your God. He is your Salvation. He is your Father.
Enjoy Dad.
Love you friends,
: ) Merry Christmas