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New Federal State of China (NFSC) Spokesman Warns U.S. of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Infiltration

By Guest Contributor, Catherine Salgado July 17th 2023

“One must take a holistic approach when evaluating the CCP threat…[and] Communism only thrives when we fund it.” That advice comes from a spokesman for the anti-Chinese Communist Party (CCP) organization New Federal State of China in exclusive comments to PJ Media.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen just visited China, where she urged cooperation with the CCP despite China restricting key rare earth exports to America—and despite the CCP’s numerous crimes and 500 million murdered victims. Yellen’s weak diplomacy came soon after Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s even more embarrassing trip to China, where he parroted CCP propaganda and generally made the U.S. look like a tributary state to China. There is also increasing evidence, according to GOP congressmen and whistleblowers, that Joe Biden and his family have received a considerable amount of shady money from China. In light of the current U.S. administration’s willingness to pander to the CCP despite the CCP’s open anti-U.S. hostility, the spokesman for the New Federal State of China has advice for American leaders.

The NFSC spokesman began by explaining how Yellen’s seeming admiration for the CCP has a basis in her China ties—and how she isn’t the only U.S. politician to be compromised by the CCP. “In order to understand the current U.S. policy with regard to the CCP, it is essential to first understand how deeply infiltrated the U.S. government has become over the past decades,” he told me. The spokesman specifically named Weijiann Shan, co-founder and chairman of the powerful Pacific Alliance Group (PAG), “a.k.a. the Goldman Sachs of China.” It is key to understand that, in China, all businesses are answerable to the CCP and required to share information with the CCP government and military.

According to the NFSC spokesman, Weijian Shan “has been closely acquainted with Janet Yellen since at least the 1980s when Shan was sent to the U.S. by the CCP as an ‘exchange scholar’. Yellen even wrote the forward to Shan’s book ‘Out of the Gobi: My Story of China and America’.” Yellen’s name even appears on the cover, at least of the edition available on Amazon.

“Over the years, Shan’s PAG has worked tirelessly in collusion with Wall Street to funnel trillions of dollars of U.S. pension funds, retirement fund[s], and endowment funds to finance the CCP, none of which are ever likely to be recouped by unsuspecting U.S investors,” the NFSC spokesman continued. He told me, “Much of that money is then used to finance the CCP’s political influence in America via the likes of Sequoia Capital, founded by CCP billionaire Neil Shen.” Sequoia Capital has come under media and government scrutiny recently for allegedly lobbying the U.S. government to ignore its CCP ties.

The NFSC spokesman said, “The moral of this story is to demonstrate the CCP’s whole-of-state approach when it comes to infiltrating the U.S., [and how] one must take a holistic approach when evaluating the CCP threat.” Americans need to stop doing business with China and thus assisting the CCP. “At the same time, all of the money the CCP uses to buy political influence is initially funneled to them from American Investors. Communism only thrives when we fund it, and that couldn’t be more true.”

Asked about potential ways to counter the CCP threat, the spokesman brought up NFSC founder, billionaire, and Chinese dissident Miles Guo (also known as Guo Wengui or Miles Kwok). Guo is currently in federal jail with bail denied (in contrast to CCP spies, who were quickly released on bail), on what the NFSC spokesman called “a bogus fraud charge.”

The spokesman explained why Guo’s perspective is so valuable: “After all, although the CCP has countless ‘insiders’ within the American government monitoring our every move, America has only one ‘insider’ against the CCP — an insider named Miles Guo.” Other experts have also warned of CCP infiltration in the U.S. government, including Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts and former CIA intel and Donald Trump campaign national security advisor Anthony Shaffer.

“We believe the only path forward is for Miles Guo, who has revealed all of the above information to the world and more, to testify in Congress about the full range of threats posed by the CCP,” the spokesman told me. “As the highest level defector to ever flee to America, Miles Guo’s testimony is essential to helping Congress and the public understand just exactly how the CCP has infiltrated America. Most importantly, Miles Guo has something that nobody else has — he has the receipts and the names and can pinpoint the exact person[s]/company involved in the CCP’s unrestricted war against America.”

The disturbing prospect of war with China is more concrete than it used to be, even as the U.S. government appears to be filled with CCP admirers. “Given the CCP’s growingly aggressive military stance on Taiwan, we are inheriting a world where kinetic war with China is not a distant thought but an approaching reality,” the NFSC spokesman warned. “It’s way past time that Congress cut to the chase and take real actions against the CCP by working with dissident whistleblowers such as Miles Guo.” The CCP is America’s number one enemy, and freedom-loving Chinese dissidents could help the U.S. combat the CCP threat.

(Catherine Salgado is a contributor for PJ Media. She also writes for The Rogue Review, Media Research Center, and her Substack Pro Deo et Libertate. She received the Andrew Breitbart MVP award for August 2021 from The Rogue Review for her journalism.)

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